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I have not increased rent for 5 Years. Am I restricted to a total of 2%?

The landlord is not restricted to just 2%. If a landlord has not increased a rent for 5 years, the rent can increase by a max of 2% pro rata per year.

Example A rented property is located in an RPZ. A tenant moved in on 11 December 2016 and a rent of €1,400 per month was set.  Five years later, on 11 December 2021, the landlord decides to review the rent and proceeds to enter the relevant details in to the RTB Rent Pressure Zone Calculator. The calculator informs the landlord that the maximum increase in rent permissible is €92. This is because the new rules that have been introduced state that rents cannot increase by more than 2% per year  pro rata, where HICP inflation is higher. As the HICP value for the 5-year period between the rent first being set and reviewed is 6.6%, this applies as it is lower than the cap of 2% per year pro rata (2% per year for 5 years = 10%). The new maximum rent for the property is €1,492, which represents a 6.6% increase in accordance with HICP inflation (€1,400 x 6.6% = €92). 

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